

CompanyDNA's integration with Harvest is designed to streamline your time tracking and financial management and provide insights for enhanced project monitoring and team productivity. When you authorize CompanyDNA to connect with your Harvest account, it requests specific read access permissions to optimize your experience.

Why Integrate Harvest with CompanyDNA?

Integrating the Harvest application with CompanyDNA offers users a comprehensive solution to optimize their time tracking, project management, and invoicing by leveraging the read scopes for time entries, projects, tasks, clients, invoices, expenses, users, estimates, reports, and company information. This integration enables CompanyDNA to access and analyze detailed data from Harvest, transforming it into actionable insights that streamline and enhance financial and project workflows. Users can benefit from a unified view of their Harvest data, ensuring efficient tracking of time, expenses, project progress, and financial activities. With CompanyDNA's AI-driven indexing, users can gain deeper insights into their work patterns, project profitability, expense tracking, and more, facilitating better decision-making, improved project oversight, and fiscal control. Ultimately, integrating Harvest with CompanyDNA ensures that users can maximize the potential of their Harvest data, leading to better productivity and financial management.

Access and Permissions

Time Entries Read Access: Access and view detailed time entry records, including timestamps, durations, descriptions, project associations, and task associations. Facilitates comprehensive time tracking and analysis.

Projects Read Access: Access details of projects, including project names, descriptions, start and end dates, and budget allocations. Supports comprehensive project tracking and management.

Tasks Read Access: Access task details, including task names, descriptions, and statuses. Enhances task management and progress tracking.

Clients Read Access: Access client information, including contact details, organization names, and billing information. Enhances client management and communication.

Invoices Read Access: Access detailed invoice information, including dates, amounts, statuses, and client associations. Supports efficient invoicing and payment tracking.

Expenses Read Access: Access details of expenses, including amounts, categories, descriptions, and project associations. Facilitates accurate expense tracking and reporting.

Users Read Access: Access user details, including names, roles, and time entries. Facilitates effective user management and time allocation.

Estimates Read Access: Access estimate details, including amounts, descriptions, and statuses. Supports budgeting and financial forecasting.

Reports Read Access: Access various reports, including time reports, expense reports, and invoice summaries. Facilitates comprehensive financial and time analysis.

Company Information Read Access: Access company information including company name, address, and other relevant details. Supports centralized management of organizational data.

Why Do We Need This Access?

The requested read access permissions for time entries, projects, tasks, clients, invoices, expenses, users, estimates, reports, and company information are essential for CompanyDNA to provide comprehensive insights and optimize your Harvest experience. These permissions enable analysis of your project performance, time management, financial tracking, and client interactions, thereby supporting informed decision-making and efficient management.

Your Control and Privacy

Your privacy and control over your data are crucial. You have the authority to manage and revoke these permissions at any time through your Harvest account settings. Data obtained by CompanyDNA from Harvest is stored securely and used solely to provide valuable insights and improve your productivity processes. CompanyDNA strictly adheres to Harvest's guidelines and data protection policies to ensure the security and privacy of your information.

Getting Started

To integrate your Harvest account with CompanyDNA:

Log in to your CompanyDNA dashboard.

Navigate to the 'Integrations' section.

Select Harvest and follow the prompts to authorize read access for time entries, projects, tasks, clients, invoices, expenses, users, estimates, reports, and company information.

Set permissions and preferences for data syncing and analysis as per your requirements.

When you are disconnected, your sessions in both CompanyDNA Dashboard and Harvest will be terminated.

For any questions or assistance with Harvest integration, contact our support team at [hello@companydna.ai].

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